HVAC systems from MyCond - fan coils, heat pumps, dehumidifiers
Mycond Products

Climate control equipment for 

your comfort


The product line-up presented in the 

series is designed to provide large 

spaces or several small rooms with 

fresh air using a single unit

Fan Coil Units

These chilling climate control units are 

designed for large industrial facilities, 

as well as private and commercial



Efficient and reliable humidification and 

dehumidification equipment for various 


Modular Heat Pumps

Meet the most efficient equipment that provides 

heating, as well as air conditioning and domestic 

hot water at premises or various areas, ranging 

from small offices to large commercial facilities

Automatic Controls

A programmable thermostat can help reduce the 

operating costs by turning your HVAC system on 

when you anticipate being home, and off when 

you don’t think you’ll need indoor climate control

MySmart equipment

Affordable and versatile solution 

for a smart home, apartment, or office

About the company

About the company

MYCOND is a company with extensive experience in the HVAC market.

Along with creation of advanced products and solutions, Mycond transforms your space into an interconnected platform. The brand’s lineup allows fitting up your housing or commercial real estate to ensure a comfortable microclimate. All the systems 
complement each other perfectly for enhanced ease of use.

Mycond is the perfect choice for those concerned about the environment, efficiency and personal comfort. We truly believe and do our best to ensure that each of you can enjoy the comfort you deserve.