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Privacy Policy

This Personal Data Processing and Privacy Policy (hereinafter the Policy) is applicable to all the user information that can be obtained by MYCOND during the use of website at (hereinafter the Website).


The first use of the Website implies that You accept our Privacy Policy. If You do not accept or agree with this Policy, You must cease using the Website immediately.


Processing of the user personal data is performed according to the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council dated April 27, 2016, on protection of the individuals in processing of the personal data and free transfer of such data, cancelling the Directive 95/46/EU.


MYCOND neither checks validity of the personal data provided by the users, nor checks legal capability of the users. However, MYCOND assumes that the user has provided valid personal data during registration. The personal data are owned solely by the user, and it is the user who keeps the data up to date.


Definition of the terms used in this Policy


  1. “Personal data” mean any information that is related directly or indirectly to the subject individual.
  2. “Personal data processing” means any action (operation) or combination of actions (operations) that is performed with or without any means of automation on the personal data, including collection, recording, categorization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, modification), removal, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction of the personal data, etc.
  3. “Personal data privacy” is the obligation of the operator to prevent distribution of the personal data without the consent of the personal data subject or any other legal grounds.


Application of the Policy


This Policy is only applicable to the action of MYCOND and users of the Website. The Policy is not applicable to any websites that can be accesses via this Website, including but not limited to any links to social network websites that we can provide.


MYCOND does not control and assumes no responsibility for third-party websites the user can access via the links available on the Website.


Purpose of personal data collection and processing


Most services provided on the Website does not require any registration, which allows accessing the Website without disclosing the personal data. However, some services available on the Website require You to provide the personal data.


In such cases, if you decide not to provide any personal data being requested, You will be unable to access certain parts of the Website.


MYCOND collects, processes and stores personal data only in the extent required to provide the services, in strict compliance with the effective legislation.


MYCOND may use personal data of the user for the following purposes:


  1. processing required for MYCOND to fulfil their obligations to the user;
  2. communication with the user, including mailing, SMS, requests and notifications on provision of the services, as well as processing of the user requests and applications;
  3. improvement of the service quality, convenience, development of new services and products;
  4. ad targeting;
  5. doing statistical and other research based on the anonymized data.


Guarantee of privacy


MYCOND processes personal data of the user as described in this Policy. However, MYCOND reserves the right to perform additional data processing in the extent permitted or required by the law or when contributing to any legal or crime investigation.


MYCOND takes technical and organizational measures developed to protect the information against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, tampering or destruction.

If You suspect any misuse, loss or unauthorized access to Your data, notify us immediately by contacting us at the following e-mail address:


Change in the Policy


MYCOND reserves the right to introduce changes in this Policy. When introducing changes in the current revision, MYCOND specifies the data of the last update.


Modification of the personal data by the user


The user can update or supplement their personal data or any part thereof at any time using the personal data edit function in the Dashboard section.


The user has a right to demand of MYCOND to correct, block or delete the personal data provided by the user or a part thereof in case the personal data are incomplete, out-of-date, inaccurate or unnecessary for the processing purposes, as well as implement legal remedies to protect their rights.


Contact data


If you have any questions or complaints on our observance of this Policy, or you wish to provide any suggestions or comments to improve the quality of our Policy, please e-mail us at: