Versatile fan coil units, SEC/F series

The product range presented in the series is designed for rooms with a small area. You need only one unit to cool or heat the room. The fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal fan which allows achieving significant capacity with low noise characteristics
 Versatile fan coil units, SEC/F series

The series allows installation in different positions. With the range of optional accessories, the fan coil unit can be perfectly adapted to particular operating conditions.

SEC/F series

Key features:

  • Can be equipped with EC fans as an option
  • Static pressure up to 50 Pa
  • Vertical or horizontal design
  • 2- or 4-pipe design
  • Remote or integrated control panel

Design features :

  • The interior frame is made of high-strength galvanized steel. The exterior casing consists of metal front panels and plastic side panels.
  • The air distribution grill is made of plastic.
  • Replaceable filter with polypropylene cores and galvanized steel frame. Easy to replace thanks to special plastic guides.
  • A centrifugal fan with an aluminium or plastic impeller, statically and dynamically balanced to run as quietly as possible.
  • A six-speed single-phase motor (with three factory-set speeds), mounted on anti-vibration supports and equipped with an auto resettable thermal switch, with protection rating IP20, insulation class B.
  • The heat exchangers are made of copper pipes with aluminium fins.The heat exchanger is connected on the left side as a standard. Units with right-side connection are available on request.
  • Drainage pan is made of plastic and insulated with polyolefin foam (class M1); the pipe is 15 mm in diameter.

The optimal set of automation for affordable and simple control by smartphone

girl with a dog

2-pipe 3-row fan coil units. Specifications

Specifications Units SEC/F 1.3 SEC/F 2.3 SEC/F 3.3
Number of speeds   1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Air flow rate m3/h 105 125 150 175 195 220 145 170 220 250 295 340 185 235 270 325 385 440
Total cooling capacity kW 0,57 0,66 0,75 0,84 0,91 1,00 0,90 0,99 1,23 1,35 1,53 1,70 1,27 1,55 1,76 2,04 2,35 2,61
Sensible cooling capacity kW 0,45 0,53 0,60 0,69 0,75 0,83 0,68 0,76 0,95 1,06 1,21 1,36 0,92 1,13 1,30 1,51 1,76 1,97
Heating capacity kW 0,64 0,76 0,86 0,98 1,07 1,19 0,94 1,06 1,34 1,49 1,70 1,92 1,26 1,56 1,79 2,10 2,44 2,74
Water pressure drop (cooling) kPa 2,5 3,0 3,8 4,7 5,4 6,3 2,5 3,0 4,4 5,3 6,5 7,9 6,6 9,4 11,8 15,3 19,7 23,8
Water pressure drop (heating) kPa 0,9 1,1 1,4 1,8 2,1 2,5 2,2 2,8 4,2 5,0 6,4 7,9 5,4 7,8 10,0 13,2 17,1 21,0
Power consumption W 16 19 21 25 29 33 14 16 22 26 32 40 15 20 25 32 41 49
Sound power level dB(A) 32 34 36 39 42 45 30 33 40 43 47 51 31 36 40 45 49 52
Sound pressure level (*) dB(A) 23 25 27 30 33 36 21 24 31 34 38 42 22 27 31 36 40 43


Specifications Units SEC/F 4.3 SEC/F 5.3 SEC/F 6.3
Number of speeds   1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Air flow rate m3/h 185 265 335 400 485 570 250 315 420 495 545 650 415 505 590 680 760 830
Total cooling capacity kW 1,25 1,71 2,11 2,43 2,83 3,19 1,66 2,01 2,55 2,90 3,13 3,58 2,50 2,94 3,32 3,70 4,01 4,26
Sensible cooling capacity kW 0,91 1,26 1,57 1,82 2,15 2,45 1,22 1,49 1,91 2,19 2,38 2,76 1,87 2,23 2,54 2,86 3,12 3,35
Heating capacity kW 1,25 1,74 2,18 2,52 2,97 3,41 1,65 2,02 2,61 3,00 3,24 3,75 2,56 3,05 3,45 3,90 4,26 4,56
Water pressure drop (cooling) kPa 6,5 11,2 16,2 20,8 27,2 33,8 4,1 5,8 8,8 11,1 12,7 16,2 8,6 11,4 14,1 17,2 19,8 22,1
Water pressure drop (heating) kPa 5,3 9,5 14,0 18,2 24,3 30,8 3,4 4,8 7,5 9,6 11,0 14,2 7,3 9,9 12,3 15,2 17,8 20,1
Power consumption W 14 21 28 34 44 57 18 22 32 39 46 61 37 46 55 67 78 88
Sound power level dB(A) 27 33 39 43 47 53 26 31 37 41 43 48 37 42 46 49 52 54
Sound pressure level (*) dB(A) 18 24 30 34 38 43 17 22 28 32 34 39 28 33 37 40 43 45


Specifications Units SEC/F 7.3 SEC/F 8.3 SEC/F 9.3
Number of speeds   1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Air flow rate m3/h 445 535 630 735 840 925 510 655 815 1020 1100 1200 735 830 980 1210 1365 1500
Total cooling capacity kW 2,82 3,29 3,74 4,21 4,66 5,01 3,01 3,68 4,32 5,09 5,36 5,69 4,00 4,38 4,95 5,74 6,21 6,56
Sensible cooling capacity kW 2,08 2,45 2,80 3,19 3,56 3,85 2,27 2,82 3,35 4,02 4,26 4,55 3,08 3,40 3,89 4,60 5,03 5,37
Heating capacity kW 2,83 3,34 3,83 4,33 4,83 5,23 3,22 4,02 4,78 5,75 6,11 6,55 4,42 4,86 5,58 6,62 7,26 7,78
Water pressure drop (cooling) kPa 12,3 16,2 20,3 25,1 30,1 34,2 7,2 10,3 13,8 18,4 20,2 22,5 11,8 13,8 17,3 22,4 25,9 28,6
Water pressure drop (heating) kPa 10,1 13,5 17,2 21,3 25,9 29,7 5,6 8,3 11,3 15,6 17,3 19,6 9,8 11,6 14,8 19,9 23,5 26,5
Power consumption W 44 54 66 79 92 103 47 62 81 105 116 130 78 92 108 134 152 176
Sound power level dB(A) 38 42 47 51 54 56 39 45 50 56 58 60 47 50 54 58 62 64
Sound pressure level (*) dB(A) 29 33 38 42 45 47 30 36 41 47 49 51 38 41 45 49 53 55

2-pipe 4-row fan coil units. Specifications 

Specifications Units SEC/F 1.4 SEC/F 2.4 SEC/F 3.4
Number of speeds   1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Air flow rate m3/h 105 125 150 175 195 220 145 170 220 250 295 340 185 235 270 325 385 440
Total cooling capacity kW 0,65 0,77 0,87 1,00 1,08 1,20 1,00 1,11 1,41 1,56 1,78 2,00 1,32 1,63 1,87 2,17 2,53 2,83
Sensible cooling capacity kW 0,49 0,58 0,66 0,77 0,84 0,94 0,73 0,82 1,05 1,17 1,35 1,53 0,95 1,18 1,36 1,59 1,86 2,09
Heating capacity kW 0,69 0,80 0,92 1,07 1,17 1,31 0,99 1,11 1,43 1,60 1,83 2,08 1,30 1,62 1,87 2,19 2,59 2,88
Water pressure drop (cooling) kPa 1,9 2,5 3,2 4,0 4,7 5,6 4,9 6,1 9,1 11,0 13,9 17,2 3,7 5,3 6,7 8,8 11,5 14,1
Water pressure drop (heating) kPa 1,7 2,2 2,8 3,7 4,3 5,3 4,0 4,9 7,6 9,3 11,8 14,8 2,8 4,2 5,4 7,1 9,8 11,5
Power consumption W 16 19 21 25 29 33 14 16 22 26 32 40 15 20 25 32 41 49
Sound power level dB(A) 32 34 36 39 42 45 30 33 40 43 47 51 31 36 40 45 49 52
Sound pressure level* dB(A) 23 25 27 30 33 36 21 24 31 34 38 42 22 27 31 36 40 43


Specifications Units SEC/F 4.4 SEC/F 5.4 SEC/F 6.4
Number of speeds   1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Air flow rate m3/h 185 265 335 400 485 570 250 315 420 495 545 650 415 505 590 680 760 830
Total cooling capacity kW 1,31 1,81 2,25 2,62 3,08 3,50 1,77 2,17 2,79 3,21 3,49 4,03 2,79 3,34 3,81 4,31 4,71 5,04
Sensible cooling capacity kW 0,94 1,32 1,65 1,93 2,30 2,63 1,28 1,58 2,04 2,36 2,58 3,01 2,03 2,45 2,81 3,20 3,52 3,79
Heating capacity kW 1,28 1,80 2,27 2,64 3,14 3,62 1,71 2,10 2,74 3,16 3,46 4,01 2,82 3,39 3,90 4,46 4,92 5,31
Water pressure drop (cooling) kPa 3,4 6,1 9,0 11,7 15,5 19,6 7,3 10,4 16,3 20,8 24,2 31,3 14,4 19,7 24,8 30,9 36,2 40,9
Water pressure drop (heating) kPa 2,6 5,0 7,2 9,4 12,8 16,4 5,6 8,1 12,9 16,6 19,5 25,2 11,9 16,5 21,1 26,8 31,8 36,3
Power consumption W 14 21 28 34 44 57 18 22 32 39 46 61 37 46 55 67 78 88
Sound power level Lw dB(A) 27 33 39 43 47 52 26 31 37 41 43 48 37 42 46 49 52 54
Sound pressure level (*)Lp dB(A) 18 24 30 34 38 43 17 22 28 32 34 39 28 33 37 40 43 45


Specifications Units SEC/F 7.4 SEC/F 8.4 SEC/F 9.4
Number of speeds   1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Air flow rate m3/h 445 535 630 735 840 925 510 655 815 1020 1100 1200 735 830 980 1210 1365 1500
Total cooling capacity kW 2,99 3,51 4,01 4,56 5,08 5,48 3,22 3,97 4,72 5,63 5,94 6,34 4,34 4,79 5,45 6,41 6,98 7,42
Sensible cooling capacity kW 2,18 2,57 2,96 3,39 3,80 4,13 2,38 2,98 3,58 4,33 4,59 4,93 3,28 3,63 4,18 4,98 5,48 5,87
Heating capacity kW 2,95 3,49 4,03 4,62 5,15 5,59 3,37 4,26 5,14 6,27 6,60 7,20 4,70 5,23 6,01 7,18 7,93 8,52
Water pressure drop (cooling) kPa 9,5 12,5 15,9 20,0 24,2 27,7 9,6 14,0 19,0 26,0 28,6 32,2 8,9 10,6 13,4 17,8 20,7 23,2
Water pressure drop (heating) kPa 7,5 10,1 13,1 16,6 20,1 23,2 8,5 12,8 17,9 24,9 27,8 31,7 8,3 10,0 12,8 17,6 20,9 23,7
Power consumption W 44 54 66 79 92 103 47 62 81 105 116 130 78 92 108 134 152 176
Sound power level Lw dB(A) 38 42 47 51 54 56 39 45 50 56 58 60 47 50 54 58 62 64
Sound pressure level (*)Lp dB(A) 29 33 38 42 45 47 30 36 41 47 49 51 38 41 45 49 53 55

The specifications refer to the following operating parameters:
COOLING: Inlet air temperature 27 °C (dry bulb), +19 °C (wet bulb). Inlet/outlet water temperature +7/12 °C.
HEATING: Inlet air temperature +20 °C. Inlet/outlet water temperature +50/45 °C. Low – Medium – High = The speeds available as a standard.
*The sound pressure level is 9 dB(A) lower than the sound power level and refers to a room with a volume of 100 m3 and sound reflection time of 0.5 s.

Weight of SEC/F CV, CH-CVB units

Model Weight with packaging (kg) Weight without packaging (kg)
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 15,5 17,2 21,4 22,5 26,9 27,7 32,1 35,7 35,9 13,9 15,4 19,1 20,2 24,1 24,9 28,8 32,0 32,2
4 16,0 18,0 22,4 23,5 28,1 29,0 33,6 37,2 37,4 14,4 16,2 20,1 21,2 25,3 26,2 30,3 33,5 33,7

Weight of SEC/F NC units

Model Weight with packaging (kg) Weight without packaging (kg)
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 12,2 13,6 17,1 18,1 21,9 22,8 27,0 30,2 30,4 10,6 11,8 15,3 16,3 19,6 20,5 24,2 27,1 27,3
4 12,7 14,4 18,1 19,1 23,1 24,1 28,5 31,7 31,9 11,1 12,6 16,3 17,3 20,8 21,8 25,7 28,6 28,8

Available designs :

Available designs

Available designs :

Available designs_2


Dimensions of SEC/F CV units



Dimensions of SEC/F CH-CVB units

Model Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A mm 670 770 985 985 1200 1200 1415 1415 1415
B mm 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225
C mm 354 454 669 669 884 884 1099 1099 1099



Dimensions of SEC/F NC units

Model Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
D mm 374 474 689 689 904 904 1119 1119 1119
E mm 330 430 645 645 860 860 1075 1075 1075
F mm 354 454 669 669 884 884 1099 1099 1099
G mm 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 248 248
H mm 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 235 235
